Technical Data:
Hardness >= 7 Moh Scale
Free Silica None
Conductivity < 150 micro Siemens per cm
Chlorides < 5 ppm
Shape Angular
B40 30/40 mesh
B60 20/40 mesh
B90 12/20 mesh
Certified under SSPC AB - 1, Type II Class A
The Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) is a non-profit professional association for the industrial protective and marine coating industry that develops and publishes widely used industry standardsfor surface preparation, coating selection, coating application, blasting & painting contractor certification and test.
SSPC AB - 1 specification defines the requirement for selecting and evalating mineral and slag abrasives used for blast cleaning steel and other surfaces for painting and others purposes. The abrasives covered by this SSPC AB - 1 are primarily intended for one time use without recycling. Reclaimed abrasives must again be tested and meet the requirement of this SSPC AB -1 specificiation.
TYPE II - Means slag Abrasives. These slag are the byproducts of coal-fired power production or of metal, such as Blastrite Platinum slag/grit.
Class A - The abrasive contains less than or equal to <1.0% crystalline silica (Blastrite <0.15% crystalline silica)