Safety Data Asia-Pacific  +603 7865 6524    Middle East  +966 56 888 8337

Safety Data

  1. Do not operate any abrasive blaster or blast equipment without following the Rules for Safer Operation included in the manual provided with purchased equipment.  Failure to do so could result in serious injury or death.
  2. Do not perform any maintenance while any abrasive blaster or blast equipment is pressurized.  Always depressurize any vessel before loading media or performing any maintenance.
  3. Do not use abrasive containing free silica.  Silica can cause silicosis or other related respiratory damage.  You must wear personal protective equipment for all abrasive blasting operations.  Observe all applicable local, state and federal safety regulations in conjunction with airline filters and respiratory protection. Reference OSHA 29CFR1910.134, 1910.1000 and all subsequent additions or modifications.
  4. Do not enter areas during abrasive blasting operations without breathing protection.  All personnel in the vicinity of abrasive blasting operations should wear NIOSH approved air fed respirators, hoods or helmets.
  5. Do not modify or alter any abrasive blaster, equipment or controls thereof without written consent from Axxiom® Manufacturing, Inc. 
  6. Do not use bleeder type deadman on any Schmidt® abrasive blaster.  The use of bleeder type deadman can cause unintentional start-up without warning, which can result in serious personal injury (i.e. A-BEC, Clemco, etc.).
  7. Do not sell, rent, or operate abrasive blasters without remote controls.  OSHA regulations require remote controls on all blast machines.  Failure to use remote controls can cause serious injury or death to the operator(s) or other personnel in the blasting area.  (Reference OSHA Specifications 29CFR1910.244(b) and all subsequent additions or modifications.)
  8. Do not repair or replace any portion of Schmidt equipment using components that are not Schmidt original replacement parts.  Use of replacement components that are not Schmidt original replacement parts may result in equipment failure which can cause serious personal injury and voids all warranties.
It is the responsibility of the user to insure that proper and comprehensive training of operators has been performed and all environmental and safety precautions observed.

The information provided, described and illustrated in this material is intended for experienced, knowledgeable users of abrasive blasting equipment and supplies ("Products").

The products described in this material may be combined as determined solely by the user, in a variety of ways and purposes.  However, no representations are made as to intended use, performance standards, engineering suitability, safe practices or compliance with government regulations and laws that apply to these products, products of others, or a combination of various products chosen by the user or others.  It is the responsibility of the users of these products, products of third parties, and a combination of various products, to exercise caution, and familiarize themselves with all applicable laws, government regulations and safety requirements.  No representations are made or intended as to the useful life, maintenance cycles, efficiency or performance of the referenced products or any combination of products.

This material must not be used for estimating purposes.  Production rates, labor performance or surface finishes are the sole responsibility of the user based on the user's expertise, experience and knowledge of industry variables.
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